A 10-part series celebrating the people and milestones in and around Great Park Neighborhoods as the community celebrates its 10th anniversary.
Ten Things We Love About Great Park Neighborhoods
April 8th, 2024
The tenth and final installment of the Irvine Inspired anniversary series is a curated collection of thoughts from neighbors about what they appreciate about living in and around Great Park Neighborhoods:

“The culture at Great Park Neighborhoods is a little bit of a throwback to a community we all once had when we were younger. Neighbors from all walks of life and backgrounds live here. We love the neighborhood pools, and plethora of events and activities that anyone could participate in. No other place does it better. My wife, Shannon, and I like to go on strolls to Novel Park with our one-year-old and our dog to visit The Cup (coffeehouse).”
— Dr. Justin Lin

“I am filled with gratitude whenever I walk through Beacon Park with my wife and play there with my children. The park has provided endless entertainment and joy for my kids. It is nothing short of spectacular.”
— Ahmad El Gamal
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“It was at Portola High where I fell in love with entrepreneurism – to establish a launching pad for an idea and actually create it. Teachers also taught me how to interact and be a good person. I saw them as role models who gave me a perspective on the world that I wouldn’t have had otherwise. The teachers and coaches played a big role in shaping who I am. They encouraged me to find my passion and make a difference in the world – and helped me define what I want to do for the foreseeable future.”
— Patrick Cui
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“This neighborhood provided me with not just a beautiful house but a brand-new family of friends to hang out with. I also gave me the opportunity to grow my own business. I often brag that I can be hiking in the mountains in the morning and relaxing on the beach in the afternoon. Everything is so close by.”
— Viki Johnston

“It's a beautiful ride, I'm outdoors, not in traffic and I actually get to work a little quicker on my bike. Using gas and emissions feels unnecessary. I have a hard time justifying driving a car (to work) designed for six people as one person. We prefer to find ways to walk or ride our bikes whenever possible rather than driving, and we can do so pretty efficiently and safely.”
— Chris Scholl
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“Little things such as not having to drive home from practices -- or feeling safe while running outdoors within the surrounding Great Park Sports Complex at any time, or during any time of the year weather-wise, were big for me. I’ve learned through competition that if you work hard and remain inspired by the right things, anything is possible.”
— Jaydn Zdanavage
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Career Opportunities
“I am a first-generation immigrant and living in Irvine and working in Orange County have certainly helped me achieve the American dream.”
— Jaydn Zdanavage
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Affordable Housing
“When I first saw Luxaira (in Great Park Neighborhoods), I thought I was at the wrong address. When I looked at the architecture and landscaping, I kept wondering, ‘Is this really happening?’ I thought I lived in a really nice community before. But coming here, it just topped it all.”
— Ken Blackburn
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Healthcare and Higher Education
“Having world-class healthcare facilities, like City of Hope Orange County Lennar Foundation Cancer Center, and top-notch institutions of higher education, like Chapman University, so close to my home has been a game changer for me.”
— Mark DeSantis

“I am a 7th grader at Solis Park School. I walk to school, and each day I open my front door and walk out onto a cute little pathway that leads me straight to school. Along the way, I delight in my neighbors’ adorable dogs, out for their morning walks. And I exchange smiles and waves with these neighbors. On these mornings, I realize what I love most about this neighborhood, this community, is the positivity and the kindness in GPN.”
— Gwyneth Lipeles